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Curated by → @AlexKer 

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Find Global Love

Hi there, I'm Alex Ker. 

Love. It's why we're here, right? But let's be honest, finding that special someone online can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack. That's exactly why I started the All Dating Sites List. It's your straightforward guide to the world of online dating sites, sorted simply by popularity and category. Whether you're after a serious relationship or just a bit of fun, you'll find your match here. This project is close to my heart. I've been through the ups and downs of dating, and I know how crucial it is to find the right site. It's not just about the journey in finding love; it's about enjoying the ride and making genuine connections. Oh, and along the way, I also whipped up something at Think of it as a little side project to give your dating profile a bit of extra sparkle. Ready to dive in? Follow the path to your perfect dating site and let's add a little more love to the world.  

Stay in the loop with me → @AlexKer 

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